Monday, July 10, 2006


When I did a garbage audit, I noticed that many of the plastic containers that we bring into the house and end up not recyclable are the ones that contain shampoo, bodywash, handcream etc so I have been looking at making changes. Why do we not use soap? Soap used to be the norm some time ago. I have a few of those luxury soap bars that people have given me at Christmas time and now my last super luxurious bodywash is waning to its end, I have opened the soapbox and put it near the shower. I have used it and although it seems to leave my skin squeeky clean, I cannot see the difference as yet. I am contemplating making my own soap using natural ingredients and oils from the garden to suit our skintype. I am not sure whether the soap suds will leave more dirt around the shower etc, but will have to find that out in the future.

On a decluttering note....does it ever stop I wonder? I am still decluttering............

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