Thursday, April 13, 2006


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Spring has to be here officially now as the sallow tree is out. It come sout in catkins first, they burst open and are covered in sticky liquid which attracts a lot of bees to the garden. Apparently it is a native English tree and there are not that many about and it hosts 2500 types of insect. I can well believe that because in the summer you do not want to be sitting underneath that one, it crawls.....

The chickens have produced 3 little tiny eggs to date, which are very welcome and Squeek is settling in well. He needs some TLC on his feet which I am giving him about every 3 days. Hopefully there will be progress.

The more I relax and enjoy the simplicity of my life, the more I am aware that I no longer chase the clock so much. To do that and become proactive instead of reactive to things, I need to calm down and reflect at the end of each day how I am doing. I have gradually been planting seeds in my polytunnel and am very pleased with the results so far. There is a natural rhytm to things and I am trying to fall into that as much as possible. I have read extensively about the Amish people and some of their principles and ways they lived was extreme but there was also some wisdom in it. I don't want time to stand still but I would like to dance with time instead of getting the feeling that I am chasing my tail. Its the Easter weekend and there is lots of activity going on inside the house, children are painting eggs, looking forward to an egg treasure hunt and together time. The garden is bursting with blue and yellow colours all around and although the weather is cool, I look forward to the warmer days ahead. A few more weeks and we will be eating lettuce from the garden. Currently on offer is a small amount of rhubarb, nettles for nettle soup and purple srouted broccoli. I can build that in over the next few weeks. I simply love the idea of being able to go out there and pick my food...hunter gatherer probably but the quality is phenomenal and the effort...well actually....the earth and mother nature do most of the work. I just tend.

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