Friday, April 14, 2006


A few more weeks and it will be downshifting week for 2006. When, check here.

Also why not see how you are doing on the downshifting manifesto.

Do let me know what your plans are regarding downshifting. Yesterday we had our first salad from the garden this year, we have just collected a very small egg and for lunch we made some very naughty cinnamon rolls with white sugar icing which are simply.....well mouthwatering.
As my DS 2 says, this is the life and I would agree with him. Go on....stop beating yourself up about decisions you have made in the past, today is a new day, today is as good a day as ever to start a new life and make decisions you are truly happy with.

Weeds are growing too at alarming rate so must go out there and do some more to compost. I had added some work on the to do list, a special raised beds for squashes , zucchini, pumpkins and other lovely vegetables that ramble a bit. Its going to be a feast when it all comes together.


Kathie said...

Any of those weeds edible? I'm always the crazy neigbhor who is picking dandelions to add to my salads. I hate weeding btw, so if I can say it's edible then I can justify not pulling 'em.

Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Thanks for highlighting National Downshifting Week and the Manifesto!

For those keen to 'Slow Down and Green Up' further, you might like the Downshifting Planner I just uploaded to - it's a free printable calendar you write in and chart your progress.

Save money, save time and save the planet!

All the best to your readers and thanks again,

Tracey Smith
Writer/Broadcaster Sustainable Living
Creator of National Downshifting Week UK and USA/Canada